Scuffle took place in the Armenian parliament

A scuffle took place in the Armenian parliament between the deputies of the opposition parties and the security service, Sputnik Armenia reports.

According to the newspaper, the deputy of the “I Have Honor” bloc Anna Mkrtchyan appealed to the Prime Minister of the country Nikol Pashinyan. But instead of asking the politician questions, she began to list his mistakes. In particular, the deputy indicated that Pashinyan came to the meeting with security.

The parliamentarian’s statements caused discontent among the prime minister’s associates from the Civil Contract party. In response, Mkrtchyan called them “supporters of the capitulator.”

Speaker of the Armenian Parliament Alen Simonyan turned off her microphone and then demanded to leave the conference room, but Mkrtchyan refused. When the security officers tried to get the deputy out, colleagues from the opposition MPs stood up for her. There was a scuffle.

In April, radio Sputnik reported that in Ukraine, the deputies staged a fight over the Russian flag.