Media: Russian and DPRK leaders exchange congratulations on the anniversary of the liberation of Korea

According to the CTAC news agency, Vladimir Putin stressed in his message that traditions of friendship forged during the war remain a solid foundation for the development of relations between the countries. The Kremlin press service did not disclose such a telegram

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un have exchanged congratulatory telegrams on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the liberation of Korea, which is marked on the same day as Japan’s surrender in World War II. This was reported by the CTAC news agency on Sunday.

Putin stressed in his message that the traditions of friendship forged during the war remain a solid foundation for the development of relations between Russia and the DPRK. In addition, the Russian president expressed confidence that the implementation of the agreements reached at the 2019 summit in Vladivostok will further strengthen cooperation and ensure stability on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia as a whole.

The Kremlin press office did not disclose such a telegram.

“The Korean people remember with deep emotion the soldiers of the Red Army who gave their lives to the sacred cause of the liberation of Korea”, –  Kim Jong-un said in the telegram. The DPRK leader also noted that the friendship between the DPRK and Russia, “stitched with blood in the fight against the common enemy” during the war, will always continue despite historical challenges.

On August 15, 1945, Emperor Hirohito of Japan addressed a radio address to his subjects, in which he admitted that the country was no longer able to continue the war and had to accept the terms of the Potsdam Declaration. The signing ceremony of the Act of Surrender took place on September 2 on board the US battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay. This date marked the end of the Second World War.