A direct line with Vladimir Putin is a rare example of the head of state’s self-control and confidence.
This opinion was shared by the author of the Telegram channel “Doctor Sosnovsky”. He noted that the TV marathon, which is organized annually by the Russian leader, will not be able to withstand every president.
“Point answers, self-confidence, good speech, amazing ability to address the interlocutor by name, patronymic”, – he wrote.
In addition, the author of the Telegram channel noted Putin’s ability to answer fairly personal questions from citizens. They are interested in what kind of president is outside of his job.
The expert notes that Putin’s approach to leading the country and communicating with people attracts even Germans. They would not mind to see him as their chancellor.
A direct line with Russian President Vladimir Putin runs annually. This time, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it took place without a live audience. About two million Russians sent their questions to the head of state. Most of all they are interested in preferential mortgages and payments for children, the state of infrastructure, the economy. The most important problem remains COVID-19 and the fight against it.