Chinese analysts say even the US fears Russian naval forces

The strength of the Russian Navy lies in its powerful submarine fleet, which even the United States fears, Chinese analysts believe

“Aircraft carriers, huge surface ships, have always been considered the symbol of the world’s strongest powers, but Russia, with only one aircraft carrier, has an equally formidable trump card up its sleeve, which is a powerful submarine fleet. It is feared even by the United States”, –  the Chinese publication Sohu noted.

They drew attention to Russia’s newest nuclear-powered Project 955A submarine, the Knyaz Oleg, which recently went to sea for the first time for trials.

Sailors will not only test the submarine’s sailing qualities and its various systems, but will also test-fire a Bulava ballistic missile, the experts specified. The authors of the article explained why the Russian Navy’s newest submarine, Knyaz Oleg, terrifies the US. They recalled that the submarine has an impressive arsenal, including 16 launchers for such ballistic missiles, as well as torpedo launchers capable of launching Vyuga anti-submarine missiles.

Sohu stressed that the first sea trial usually involves testing propulsion units and power systems, but not weapons. Moscow’s intention to launch the Bulava shows that the Russian military leadership has full confidence in the Knyaz Oleg, which is admirable, Chinese journalists said.

Earlier, another Russian submarine, which recently entered service with the Russian Northern Fleet, has frightened US experts. I am referring to the Yasen-M type submarine called Kazan, which was hailed in the US as the pinnacle of Russian engineering.

In addition, US experts compared the strength of the US Navy and the Russian Navy in a hypothetical armed clash of the two powers in the waters of the Black Sea. According to them, an impressive Russian submarine fleet would play a key role in such a battle, reports