Pushkov: Even before the summit, it was clear that Biden wants to prevent a rapprochement between Russia and China

The Russian senator commented on another statement by the US President.

Biden advised Russia to consider whether it should increase its dependence on China.

“The President made it clear: Russia needs to seriously consider whether it wants to increase its dependence on China, taking into account China’s expectations on the world stage,” the US State Department said.

According to the well-known publicist Alexei Pushkov, it is not the business of the US president to give Russia this kind of “advice”.

“We will figure it out ourselves. Moreover, in the mouth of the head of the United States, this argument, suggested to Biden by American experts on Russia such as McFaul, does not work at all. For the simple reason that from the US itself we see only sanctions, forceful pressure, threats and “regime change” in our neighboring countries. And with such a track record of hostility, Washington wants to intimidate us with potential dependence on China? Strange logic”, – said Pushkov.