According to Heiko Maas, the sanctions against Minsk will not be lifted until Lukashenko changes his policy. So far, the sanctions have failed to achieve the desired result.
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has promised to apply sanctions against the Belarusian authorities until they lead to a change in the course of action of the country’s ruler Alexander Lukashenko. The German Foreign Minister said this on Wednesday, May 19, at a press conference, answering a question from a DW correspondent about Berlin’s steps in connection with the conviction of Alexander Burakov, a journalist from Mogilev who cooperates with the German media company.
“We are aware of these cases, we have taken measures in the past at the level of the consulate, and we will do this in the future, but not publicly”, – Maas emphasized.
“Because we know from experience that sometimes too much publicity of such cases does not allow achieving the desired results”.