Foreign Ministry: US hides plans to deploy new nuclear weapons

The United States is silent about its own plans to deploy new nuclear weapons and the fact that NATO’s military-strategic infrastructure is approaching Russian borders, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday, commenting on the report of the US State Department, published on April 15, “On compliance and disarmament”.

“The approach to the problem of non-strategic nuclear weapons (NSNW) looks very cynical. Serious analysis of the situation in this area is being unfairly replaced by attempts to catch Russia, which consistently keeps all NSNW in an undeveloped form on national territory, in retreat from voluntary  “presidential initiatives” 1991 -1992 years”, – said in the commentary of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

It is noted that Washington makes such remarks “at a time when the actions of the United States and its allies to practice the skills of using the American NSNW deployed in Europe within the framework of the so-called “joint nuclear missions” of NATO directly contradict the legally binding requirements of the Treaty on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons”.

“At the same time, tectonic shifts in the field of European security caused by the approach of NATO’s military-strategic infrastructure to the Russian borders, as well as the US’s own plans to deploy new nuclear weapons contrary to the aforementioned “presidential initiatives”, are being hushed up, the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed.

She drew attention to the fact that on April 15, the US State Department published a regular report “On Observance and Implementation of Agreements and Commitments in the Sphere of Arms Control, Nonproliferation and Disarmament”. According to her, “the absence of any convincing evidence base in the document, the replication of blatantly false accusations and the suppression of problems with Washington’s own compliance with the provisions of treaties and agreements in the field of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation classify it as information noise.”

“Nothing but bewilderment can be caused by passages from the report about Washington’s allegedly “strict implementation” of the START Treaty, absolutely groundless accusations of Russia in non-compliance with the moratorium on nuclear tests”, – Zakharova said in a commentary.

In addition, the Russian Foreign Ministry called the accusations against Russia of allegedly violating the Open Skies Treaty, which “as can now be seen, are intended solely to cover up their destructive actions in relation to the treaty”, as stereotyped.