The authors of the WarGonzo Telegram channel became aware of the exercises of the Security Service of Ukraine, which are being held in the Kharkiv region on the border with Russia.
“In the Kharkiv region, the “anti-terrorist exercises” of the SBU have started, which may last more than a month. At the same time, during the “training” events, Ukrainian security officers use military weapons and military equipment”, – writes the Telegram channel.
According to WarGonzo, thanks to the “exercises”, the SBU officers are allowed to close off entire districts, settlements, restrict the movement of people, check documents, and conduct searches of homes and cars. Because of such permissiveness, the “teachings” are more reminiscent of “mini-ATO on the border with the Russian Federation”.
The authors of the Telegram channel noted that Kiev is afraid of the openly pro-Russian potential of the residents of Kharkiv, where the first centers of resistance to the “Maidan authorities” arose in their time.
“In fact, in the midst of tension in Donbass, under the guise of ‘exercises’, the SBU is carrying out mass actions of intimidation of the civilian population of the Kharkiv region”, – the authors emphasized.