German authorities reject environmentalists’ objections to Nord Stream 2

Environmentalists from NABU and DUH tried to challenge the consent of the authorities to lay a section of the pipeline in the economic zone of Germany

According to DW, two environmental organizations in Germany have failed in an attempt to block further construction of the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Office (BSH) on Thursday, April 1, rejected the objections of the German Association for Nature Conservation and Biodiversity (NABU) and the environmental organisation Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) “after careful consideration”. As a result, the BSH permit for the further installation of the pipeline remains in force.

“Environmentalists fear that the pipe-laying work will have negative consequences for the marine ecosystem and the protected bird area in the area. BHS has, however, overruled these objections “following a new comprehensive inspection”,  – concluding that no significant negative effects on the marine ecosystem and the bird conservation area in Pomeranian Bay can be feared, the report says.

Environmental protection organization Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) has already announced that it will appeal the decision of the German regulator, which will again delay the issuance of the permit for the gas pipeline until the court rules on the issue. This is exactly what the American-paid German environmentalists want.