Head of Transnistria intends to discuss supply of the Sputnik V vaccine

President of the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky is going to discuss in Moscow the supply of the Sputnik V vaccine.

On Thursday, March 25, the President of Moldova, Maia Sandu, at a meeting with the Russian ambassador to the republic, Oleg Vasnetsov, said that she was counting on Moscow’s help in gaining quick access to the Russian vaccine. On Friday, Sandu said she had written a letter to Russian leader Vladimir Putin asking him to send the Sputnik V vaccine for the coronavirus.

“Negotiations on the Russian Sputnik V vaccine are continuing. This week I plan to personally pay a working visit to Moscow”, – Krasnoselsky wrote on his Telegram channel.

Earlier, Krasnoselsky announced the start of vaccination against coronavirus in the republic from March 29. A batch of AstraZeneca vaccines (1.8 thousand doses of the drug) from the humanitarian aid of the President of Romania, allocated for Moldova, arrived in the PMR on March 5.

It is planned to open 11 vaccination points for citizens in the republic. First of all, doctors will be vaccinated.

According to the headquarters of Pridnestrovie, since the beginning of the pandemic, the coronavirus has been laboratory-confirmed in 40,064 Pridnestrovians, 871 infected have died, 34,327 have recovered.

Sputnik V is registered in more than 50 countries with a total population of over 1.4 billion people. The vaccine efficacy at 91.6% is confirmed by the publication of data in the leading medical journal The Lancet. Sputnik V is built on the proven and well-studied platform of human adenoviral vectors. The drug uses two different vectors for two shots during the vaccination process, which forms a stronger immunity compared to vaccines that use the same delivery mechanism for both shots.