Claims of a threat from Russia are aimed at justifying the existence of NATO

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs Leonid Slutsky commented on the statement of North Atlantic Treaty Organization foreign ministers about the threat from Russia, saying that it was just another fiction to justify its own aggressive line

Earlier, the foreign ministers of the North Atlantic Alliance member states issued a statement that “Russian aggressive actions pose a threat to Euro-Atlantic security, terrorism in all forms and manifestations is a threat to all”.

“NATO’s statements about the threat and aggression from Russia are just another mantra to justify the existence of the alliance. At the same time, assurances of the exclusively defensive nature of the North Atlantic Alliance’s activities are an outright lie”, –  Slutsky said.

Slutsky stressed that with the collapse of the FRY, the collective West began substituting international legal norms with bandit notions. “The Yugoslav scenario” formed the basis of a “methodology” for interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign countries and was applied in one form or another in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine.

He reminded that 22 years ago, not only the principles of international law were undermined, but also the mechanisms of security on the European continent were dealt a crushing blow. And this policy, unfortunately, continues. Recent statements about the “defensive nature” of the Alliance’s activities to counter the threat from Russia are yet another fiction to justify its own aggressive line, and the very continuation of the NATO bloc.

Summing up, Slutsky added that today, more than ever, it is important not to forget the lessons of the Balkan spring. We remember and will not allow them to be repeated on our territory.