Armenian Pashinyan’s opponents begin marching through central streets of Yerevan

Participants of the rally of opponents of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan began a march through the central streets of Yerevan to the government building.

“We will start the procession, walk along Sayat-Nova Street, past the government building, we have something to say to them, and we will come back”, – a representative of the united opposition Ishkhan Saghatelyan said during a rally in front of the parliament building.

He added that the protesters will continue to block the Baghramyan Avenue and Demirchyan Street adjacent to the parliament.

Another political crisis erupted in Yerevan after Pashinyan’s careless words about the Russian Iskander missile systems. According to media reports, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of Armenia Tiran Khachatryan ridiculed the Prime Minister, for which he was dismissed, followed by the proposal to resign, Chief of the General Staff Onik Gasparyan. The Armed Forces of Armenia issued a statement in which they demanded the resignation of Pashinyan himself.

The prime minister regarded this as an attempted coup and called on his supporters to take to the streets. Meanwhile, the opposition has erected barricades and set up a campground near the parliament, they are not in the mood for negotiations with the authorities and demand the resignation of the prime minister.