I have more than once participated in the Munich Conference and its “nephew” – the Strategic Forum in Schloss-Elmau, in the south of Bavaria
And I am ready to confirm that the Western alliance appears there not so much as a world leader, but as a leader of the global confusion. The only intelligible goal of the alliance – to save the global “liberal-democratic order” led by the United States – is drowning in ambiguities as to how to do this. At the same time, Western leaders are forced to admit that the state of the modern world is frankly unimportant, but they do not want to admit that this is a consequence, first of all, of THEIR actions, of THEIR policies and of the very world order that they are trying to save. And in order to divert the blame from themselves, they begin to unanimously blame others for everything: Iran, China, but above all Russia.
From this point of view, the history of the last years of Munich is a history of decoupling the foreign policy agenda of the collective West and Russia. They listen to Russia attentively, but Lavrov’s speeches were perceived every year more and more coldly, and then more and more hostile. In turn, the statements of Western politicians about Russia boiled down to three theses: restrain, isolate, punish. And since all this fails, the appeals began to acquire an increasingly hysterical character.
At the same time, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg with the tenacity of a machine gun every year repeats that they need a “dialogue from a position of strength” with Russia, and every year – from a position of increasing strength, as if not noticing that the alliance has long destroyed the basis for dialogue. NATO has not accepted Moscow’s ultimate measures, and NATO’s position of strength does not help. And there is a feeling that all this repetitive mise-en-scène, if anything, is to deepen, and not narrow, the abyss between the West and Russia.
Alexey Pushkov