American liberals threaten Trump’s lawyer with reprisals

Michael van der Veen received hundreds of threats after the Senate failed to vote to impeach Donald Trump.

As News Front previously reported, Democrats initiated impeachment proceedings against Trump for the second time after protests outside the US Congress. Under the pretext that the 45th president incited the protesters to storm the Capitol, they wanted to deprive him of the right to hold public office.

From the very beginning, the adventure looked like an act of political retaliation, which ultimately failed. For the indictment, votes of at least 67 out of 100 senators were required.

Only 57 voted in support of impeachment, including just 7 Republicans. After that, Michael van der Veen, one of Trump’s lawyers, faced threats from American liberals, dissatisfied with the outcome of the impeachment procedure.

“My house was attacked. I would prefer not to go into details as this could lead to new attacks. But I received about a hundred death threats”, – the lawyer admitted.

After the failure of the vote, unknown persons broke the windows in the lawyer’s house, and wrote insults on the walls. Van der Veen, in turn, recalled that he is not a politician and was just doing his job.

“I am a court attorney and represent the interests of people in court. This is what I do. I like to do it. And I am disappointed that my work has led to such a result”, – he complained.