Democrats and Republicans agree on format for impeachment of Trump in the Senate

Senate Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell have agreed on an impeachment procedure for former President Donald Trump, USA Today reported.

“All parties have agreed on a structure that will ensure a fair and fair trial of the impeachment case of the former president in the Senate. Each side will have enough time to voice their arguments”, – Schumer said.

As part of the trial on Tuesday, there will be a four-hour debate on the need to dismiss the case, as Trump’s defense insists that the trial is unconstitutional, since he has already left the presidency.

If the case is not dismissed, the parties will have up to 16 hours to present their arguments to the Senate. If there are none, the parties will begin the meeting.

On January 6, a joint meeting of the houses of the US Congress to approve the results of the November presidential elections was interrupted by riots, during which supporters of Donald Trump broke into the complex of government buildings on the Capitol.

As a result of the attempted storming of the congress, four protesters and one policeman were killed. More than 160 cases have been opened over the riots.

However, late in the evening, lawmakers officially approved the election of Biden as the 46th president of the United States, the Democrat received more than 270 electoral votes cast by Congress.

Declaring a “stolen victory” Trump condemned the violence in the Capitol several days after the pogroms, refused to attend Biden’s inauguration, but guaranteed a peaceful transfer of power.

On January 13, the House of Representatives voted to pass a resolution to impeach Trump. Consideration of the issue on the merits will begin at the end of this week.