According to the authors of Telegram channel 338, Europe needs cheap gas from the post-Soviet space, which has nothing to do with the “Russian supplier”
The authors of the Telegram channel note that with the settlement of borders and fields in the Caspian Sea between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan and signing of the Memorandum on joint exploration and production of hydrocarbons, Turkmenistan decides the issue of access to the European market.
“Meanwhile, at the very end of 2020, the Azerbaijani company SOCAR began supplying gas through the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (a TAP consortium in which the British BP and the Italian Sham participate in addition to the Azeris and Turks) to Europe. Despite the fact that gas deliveries have just started, shareholders are already considering increasing the volume of gas supplied to Southern Europe”, – stressed the authors of the Telegram channel.
It also noted that against the background of sanctions pressure on the Nord Stream-2 pipeline, one should not forget that Europe needs cheap gas from the post-Soviet space.