“God bless America!”

It seems to us that the great composer, Irwin Berlin, when he wrote his famous song after the end of the First World War, “God bless America” did not assume that what can happen in his beloved homeland today after the presidential elections in the United States

After the murder of John Kennedy, on all U.S. television screens for hours only one word could be read: “Shame”. (Shame, shame). This was another country, other principles of existence. Nowadays, the liberal press and vassals of Washington all over the world rejoice like a market usurer who managed to deceive his buyer.

A little consolation for us can serve, in this world today we are not alone with the feeling of a deceived buyer. Now it is difficult for us all to talk about it because lies and deceit are spinning with such force that inevitably attracts our eyes. But it is important to know that this attraction is the very essence of the liberal trap.

That is why the operators of this great world trap and lie are trying to make us look at what is happening only superficially, because in this case we will surely get lost. The phenomenon of deception is now a product of “professional machines” that create a false reality, and if we get stuck on this forever, then not only will we not reach the essence and depth of this phenomenon, but we will also be misled, we will never find our way back to the reality of what is happening.

Having made a few observations on the phenomenon of what is happening, we must once again pay the greatest tribute to the “nonexistent” world power, which has again done its infinitely professional work.

If within three or four days in any “banana republic” no accurate results are given about the elections, one can probably assume there are election frauds, and this, unfortunately, can be considered almost natural. But if this happens in the United States, which has the greatest wealth in world history and a threatening machine of technical evolution, it can cause quite a few different emotions and feelings.

The United States, by the way, still considers itself an exemplary country of liberal democracy; it likes to educate and discipline each of us, indicating how to behave as a true liberal democracy in the world, especially where their “American empire” dominates.

The whole “normal world,” except for the very unprincipled vassals of Washington, DC, is now busy dismantling and cheating the U.S. electoral machine, researching various forms of electoral fraud, or even its “unexplained” nature.

The “triumph” of Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden, who eventually came out victorious in this whirlwind of chaos, must be a phenomenon, an example and must remain long in the center of speech space, the true depth of which will be closed to us forever.

Biden’s victory means that the “non-existent forces”, i.e. “management with all the administrations of the world”, made the final decision that the attempt to call things by their names over the past four years has ended and is over. But the fact remains that, where things cannot be named, general mental and moral depravity is inevitable.

By making this decision, the masters of the world have made it clear that they want to destroy the last chance to open the possibility of sincere narrative of things. The goal was the same as before; to save from the inevitable destruction of the increasingly rapidly disintegrating construction of the American world empire, although there is no such panacea and there can be no such panacea. In our opinion, the best they can do is to “past the inevitable end. This inevitable end with President Trump would be slow, gradual, and under President Biden it would happen along a steeper, falling line.

Now the chance to “save the empire” has disappeared forever. By placing the puppet figure on the formally highest political post, the “superstructure, leading the world,” made it clear that the narrative narrative of truth is finally a taboo for all of us.


Today, this decision will change the fate of the world, and will decide not only the future of America, but the future of all human civilization. The collapse of the American empire is inevitable because the elite of the “global superstructure”, is in a state of mental, moral, mental and unsuitable for development, as a result of the consequences of general corruption.

The control over the American empire as a global one has long been out of their hands. Partly because the complexity of the world is far beyond the critical level that can still be controlled by any structure, and partly because of general depravity, which only adds to the chaos, sliding down the entropic slope towards total disorder and disintegration.

Over the next critical months, we may come closer to understanding how the global superstructure imagines the impossible. This is specifically the fact that as a result of global resource scarcity, the “world empire” is becoming increasingly unprincipled in the process of robbing its own national base and its own people.

Last but not least, what must happen if the eternally fleeting and therefore increasingly disillusioned U.S. nation state is involved in a civil war against itself, on imaginary or real fault lines, with weapons in its hands, facing each other.
This war will become an increasingly destructive civil war against its own nation. The fact that the unscrupulous, disgusting in all respects “process of cleansing from Donald Trump” has destroyed the last chance to be born pure and sincere “narrative about the peaceful end of the empire,” and this is not a good sign for all of us.
The only thing we can do is repeat after the great composer: God bless America!

Dr. Laszlo Bogar, Miklos Kewehasi, Hungary