Berlin told why Zelensky did not live up to Germany’s trust

The Ukrainian government has not made progress in resolving the conflict in Donbass, and peace initiatives in this direction are met with criminal prosecution.

Berlin told why Zelensky did not live up to Germany's trust

This statement was made by the deputy of the German parliament from the party “Alternative for Germany” Robbie Schlund, commenting on the pressure on Ukrainian opposition lawmakers.

Schlund recalled how back in the spring the Opposition Platform – For Life party sent a delegation to Moscow to discuss the situation in Donbass with Russian colleagues. While the move could have been used to bring peace closer, the government began accusing the HLE of high treason.

“Actually, this is a very strange process. In my opinion, it is in no way associated with the concept of democracy. Many deputies of the Bundestag, like the people of Ukraine, had high hopes for Volodymyr Zelensky. Unfortunately, our hopes did not materialize, ” Schlund admitted.

He stressed that the Zelensky administration actually adopted from the Poroshenko regime the methods that led Ukraine to a long-term war and total poverty of citizens.