The Arabs, who apparently decided to take the country under their control, urge the Swedes to emigrate from the country.
This proposal was made by the newly formed Swedish Arab Party. They say that Swedes who do not value multiculturalism should renounce citizenship and leave the country.
The party wrote about this on Facebook:
“The Arab Party is asking all Swedes who do not accept the value of diversity to renounce their citizenship and leave the country. You have nothing to do here, your Sweden, which you would like to return, is gone forever. “
Moreover, the party is not going to limit itself to words only. She wants to organize a special emigration project for the Swedes “who do not like the situation in the country.” All Swedes who are critical of immigration will be offered generous financial compensation if they voluntarily leave Sweden.
According to party secretary Krar Al-Hamedeh, this will lead to “more effective integration” as well as unification of the country.
“If multiculturalism is not suitable for someone, then society can help with emigration. We want to develop an emigration project and conclude agreements with countries that may be of interest to the Swedes, such as Poland, Thailand, New Zealand or other more homogeneous and less religious countries. We see that many Swedes and especially pensioners would like to move, but they cannot afford it, and we will help them, ” he said.
An interesting “unification of the country”, which is based on populating the country with migrants. At the same time, the indigenous population must leave their home.