The parties had previously agreed on a transitional period until the end of the year, during which the United Kingdom is subject to all European norms
A trade agreement between the UK and the European Union on Brexit results could still be reached in September. This was announced on Sky News on Friday by UK Finance Secretary Rishi Sunak.
“As for Brexit, <…> we remain confident that the deal will be concluded in September”, – he said.
The UK left the EU on the night of February 1, 2020 after three years of negotiating the terms of the withdrawal. Brussels and London have agreed on a transition period until the end of this year, during which the United Kingdom is subject to all European norms. During this time, the parties should agree on a document on how to build future relations. Earlier, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson expressed hope that a draft future agreement would be ready by the end of July, but this has not happened. The beginning of the next full-scale round of negotiations on the deal is scheduled for August 17.