Kosovo’s “Premier” quarreled with local parliament over negotiations with Serbia

The so-called Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdulla Hoti, presented to parliament a report on the meeting with the President of Serbia.

As reported by IA REGNUM with reference to the Albanian news agency Telegrafi, during a six-hour meeting of the so-called parliament of Kosovo, Speaker Vjosa Osmani criticized Hoti, stating that the Prime Minister was conducting a dialogue with Serbia in violation of the Constitution of the province, deputies of the “Alliance for the Future of Kosovo” Ramusha Haradinaia, outraged that Hoti made important decisions on the dialogue without consulting them as partners in the ruling coalition, the deputies of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, insisting that the dialogue with Serbia should be led by the United States, as well as the deputies of the former ruling party The Self-Determination Movement, which generally do not recognize the Hoti government as legitimate.

“Hoti’s words were met with aggressive criticism. The session showed that almost all of the main political forces in Kosovo are hostile or semi-hostile to the “prime minister”. Although he no longer has the support of the parliamentary majority and any mistake will cost him his post”, – the message says.