Rally against demolition of the Roosevelt monument was held in New York

A protest rally against the demolition of an equestrian monument to the former US President Theodore Roosevelt, that is standing at the entrance to the American Museum of Natural History, took place in New York, according to the New York Times.

According to the newspaper, on Sunday, about 150 demonstrators gathered at the monument. Among them there were demonstrators in caps with the inscription MAGA (“Make America Great Again”), as well as protesters with the flags of the American counter-movement Blue Lives Matter, whose participants advocate that those accused of police killings be prosecuted for hate crimes.

“Save Teddy (Roosevelt – ed.). Save our police. Save the law and order”, – chanted a crowd of protesters.

Protesters stated that they did not see racism in the statue, and also noted that the Roosevelt monument had nothing to do with the murder of George Floyd.

Last week, it became known about the decision of the New York City authorities to dismantle the monument to former US President Theodore Roosevelt at the entrance to the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

Activists have opposed this monument for many years. It became, as many believed, a symbol of colonial expansion and racial discrimination. The decision to dismantle the statue was made amid protests against racism.