Some military remain in the Washington area

Some US troops remain in the Washington area so far, they will be returned to bases when the situation permits, the representative of the Ministry of Defense told the reporters.

5965952 02.08.2019 Курсанты Рязанского высшего воздушно-десантного командного училища имени генерала армии В. Ф. Маргелова на Красной площади в Москве во время празднования Дня Воздушно-десантных войск.
Илья Питалев / РИА Новости

“The Ministry has decided to return military personnel of some active units from the capital region to its basis. The military command is constantly monitoring this dynamic situation. The return of the remaining military personnel will be carried out based on the situation”, – the Pentagon representative said, commenting on media reports about returning to the base in North Carolina military personnel of the 82nd Airborne Division.

Riots in Washington caused by the death of African American George Floyd in Minneapolis began on Saturday and continued through Tuesday, inclusive. Nevertheless, Mayor Muriel Bowser demanded the withdrawal of the military from the city, which were introduced there by order of President Donald Trump. The US administration insists that they have the right to send troops to Washington to protect federal facilities in the city.