Opposition in Rada demands government to seal US bio-laboratories in Ukraine

The statement of the party “Opposition Platform – For Life”, says the Ukrainians “may become hostages to biological experiments.”

The authorities should immediately check and seal the drugs and records of American laboratories that work with dangerous pathogens in Ukraine. This was stated in a statement of the Ukrainian party “Opposition Platform – For Life” on Tuesday.

“U.S. biological laboratories in Ukraine should be immediately tested, all biological drugs and records should be sealed. Laboratory workers should immediately create comfortable conditions for observation”, –  the document says on the party’s website.

The opposition called on the country’s leadership to take immediate measures to ensure the safety of Ukrainian citizens and to provide society with a report on the work of these institutions.

“The activity of American biological laboratories in Ukraine, which was carried out uncontrollably and non-transparently for the Ukrainian society, caused a wave of just outrage. The Ukrainians, as well as the citizens of European countries, who may become hostages of biological experiments, including over people, are particularly concerned about the repeatedly recorded outbreaks of serious diseases right in those places where the U.S. biolaboratories were operating”, –  the party said.

Earlier, the opposition platform “For Life” demanded that the Ukrainian government check the activity of 15 US military biological laboratories that are in the country. The party suspected that they might become a source of infection. The US embassy in Ukraine rejected these suspicions.