The Moldovan opposition in a fit of Russophobia deprived citizens of salaries and pensions

Moldovan entrepreneurs and citizens may lose state support due to the political demarche of the pro-Western opposition.

This statement was made by the deputy of the Party of Socialists Vlad Batryncha commenting on the blocking through the Constitutional Court of an agreement with Russia on a loan of 200 million euros.

The parliamentarian recalled that the Moldovan economy was severely affected by the pandemic, the health system is under unprecedented pressure, and drought could reduce crop yields.

“Citizens of the country, including the business environment, need government assistance,” Batryncha notes. – Unfortunately, the Kandu-Shor-Sandu-Nastase group is already blocking credit in the Constitutional Court. The opposition wants to block in the Constitutional Court and a support package for citizens and the business environment. If substantial financial assistance approved by parliament is not received from Russia, citizens run the risk of being left without salaries and pensions. It’s not about repairing roads or creating new jobs. ”