Biden has funding problems: COVID-19 crisis cuts list of sponsors

The quarantine deprived the Democrats of the opportunity to launch a large-scale fundraising campaign involving large and influential donors. At the same time, the coronavirus hit the financial situation of ordinary Americans, who were previously ready to support Joe Biden with a dollar.

Biden has funding problems: COVID-19 crisis cuts list of sponsors

On Tuesday, April 21, reports the Associated Press.

As noted in the publication, along with a reduction in the flow of resources, the field for maneuvers of the presidential race is also reduced. The epidemic of coronavirus and quarantine has changed the “rules of the game.” At the same time, Donald Trump dominates the media as president.

“Wealthy donors will always play a major role in financing general elections. But Biden did a poor job of raising money during the primary election, ” the publication said.

Trump and the Republican National Committee have already accumulated $ 240 million. Biden said that in March he raised $ 46.6 million. It is important to note that most of the funds – $ 33 million – were collected at the beginning of the month, that is, before the collapse of financial markets. After that, Biden collected money online, but the total amount is still not enough to hire specialists in key states for the upcoming struggle. Biden did not announce about contracts for television and online advertising.