Poland’s ruling elites legitimize historic fraud in presidential election

Despite the pandemic of the coronavirus infection raging in the world, Warsaw will not postpone the presidential election, which gives a lot of advantages to the ruling Law and Justice party.

The lower house of Parliament – the Sejm of Poland – has already supported the bill, according to which voting in the framework of the presidential election will be held by mail in the statutory period – May 10.

Now the document has been submitted to the Senate, the upper house of the Parliament. It is important to note that the opposition prevails here. She owns more than half of the Senate seats and opposes the fraudulent initiative of the ruling elites.

Earlier, News Front reported that the Polish ruling elites, led by Jaroslav Kaczynski, conceived. The candidate from the Law and Justice party is the current president of the country, Andrzej Duda, who has been in this post since 2015.

In conditions of strict quarantine, only he has the opportunity to campaign and freely communicate with voters, while his opponents are locked in their homes by restrictions due to coronavirus. The resources of opposition candidates are incomparable with what Duda has at his disposal. If in the current conditions they can launch a campaign only on the Internet, then the ruling party is controlled by state-owned media and a large media holding of a priest Tadeusz Ridzik close to the party.