EU showed what Russophobia cost the Baltic countries

Indulging Western “partners” is expensive for Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia.

This is stated in the material of the portal “Global Research”.

Referring to the Eurostat study, the author noted that in 2018 the Baltic republics were in the lead in terms of poverty among pensioners. So, in Lithuania this figure was 41%, in Latvia – 50%, and in Estonia – 54%.

The gap with which these three countries are leading in anti-rating is also noteworthy. For example, in Bulgaria, which is next in the list, the poverty rate among pensioners was 30%.

The publication notes that such economic difficulties are justified by two trends. The first is the neoliberalization of the economy in an attempt to adjust it to the rules of the European Union. The second is a radical anti-Russian policy, which ruins all chances for economic growth.

Thus, the export of products to Russia from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is 19.8%, 16.2% and 11.4%, respectively. However, these indicators did not prevent the Baltic countries from being among the first to demand the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions in 2014.

The UN also presented statistics unfavorable for the republics. If the authorities do not reconsider their policies, then in thirty years the population of Latvia will decrease by 22%, Lithuania – by 17%, and Estonia – by 13%. This is due to the fact that young people are fleeing from these countries to Western Europe, realizing that there are no prospects for them at home.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the EU will never become the Baltic countries a full-fledged alternative to Russia as an economic partner. However, despite this, the Baltic States continues to pursue a destructive anti-Russian policy.