British Prime Minister opposed the Scottish Independence referendum

A new vote on this issue will only continue Scotland’s political stagnation, Boris Johnson believes.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson sent a letter on Tuesday to Scotland’s First Minister Nicholas Sturgeon, in which he opposed her demand for Scotland to be given the right to hold a new referendum on independence.

“You and your predecessor made a personal promise that the 2014 referendum would be the only vote for a generation. The people of Scotland voted convincingly for a united UK and the British and Scottish governments pledged to respect the outcome of [this referendum]”, –  Johnson said in a Twitter post.

The document also states that the new vote on the issue will only continue Scotland’s political stagnation, which has continued in the country for about a decade due to a campaign to secede the region from the United Kingdom.

In December Sturgeon formally asked London to give Edinburgh the legal right to hold a referendum on regional independence, justifying this by the results of the last parliamentary elections in which the Scottish National Party (SNP) won 48 of its 59 possible regional seats, 13 more than in the 2017 elections.

The Scottish Independence Referendum was held in 2014. At least 55% of its participants were in favour of maintaining an alliance between Edinburgh and London. However, the ruling SNP region took advantage of the outcome of the all-British referendum on further EU membership, in which the Scottish people, unlike the UK as a whole, did not support Brexit. This circumstance gave a reason to promote the idea of a new referendum on independence, which Sturgen is going to organize before the end of the current Scottish Parliament in 2021.