In Kiev demanded repealing Russophobic Law of Poroshenko from Zelensky

The Ukrainian people had high hopes for Russian-speaking comedian Volodymyr Zelenskyi, who by the will of citizens became president in 2019.

During his rule, there have been no serious changes in the country, especially if we talk about the situation around the resolution of the conflict in Donbass and the adopted anti-international laws by the government of Poroshenko, which discriminate against a democratic state.

According to Ukrainian journalist Vasyl Anisymov, the current authorities and President Zelenskyy are obliged to revise and abolish the anti-constitutional laws signed by former President Petro Poroshenko. Anisimov recalled Zelenskyy’s words that he “is a student of Trump”. The journalist told about it on the air of YouTube channel “Pervyi Kozatsky”.

“But when Trump won, he cancelled more than 50% of all Obama’s decrees. President Zelensky came, who embodied even more hope in the people, but everything froze in wait. That is, all the laws that are disastrous to culture, the church, the Russian language remain. This is very surprising. Why, for example, should we, through the higher courts, ensure that this law on the renaming of cities and streets is not applied when it is just the president who has to look at it and cancel it? – the journalist asked himself a question.

Vasily Anisimov is sure that Vladimir Zelensky should stop the Russophobic language law that prevents people from living and communicating normally. The journalist tried to justify the inaction of the Ukrainian president by the fact that people gathered around the head of the country who were not in exile under Poroshenko, because of which they allegedly do not understand that it is necessary to solve these issues first or at least suspend them.