Almost 70% of Germans favor the development of relations with Russia, this is evidenced by the survey, which was presented by the Kerber Foundation at a forum on foreign policy on Tuesday in Berlin.
According to a survey by the fund, 66% of German citizens favor strengthening cooperation with Russia, 21% of respondents are against. 50% of Germans favor development of relations with the USA, and 35% are against.
At the same time, when asked whether it is more important for Germany to maintain close relations with Russia or the United States, 39% said they were with the United States, 25% said they were with Russia, and 30% said they had both at the same time.
At the same time, 77% spoke in favor of closer cooperation with France, only 7% did not share the opinion about the need to deepen these relations.
One thousand people participated in the survey in Germany; the statistical error is from 1.4 to 3.1 percentage points. The survey was conducted in September by telephone by Kantar Public Deutschland.