It is no secret that the United States has certain views on the conquest of the Asian market. America at an accelerated pace is putting its hand to the affairs of Hong Kong and South Korea and is actively “sticking its nose” into the internal affairs of most Asian countries. One of the last episodes of the blatant interference in the governance of South Korea by the eastern continent: the US’s willingness to mobilize in case of non-nuclearization of the DPRK.
North Korea has long been strongly opposed to large-scale US and South Korean military exercises, which it calls preparation for an invasion of the North. President Donald Trump has also criticized the teachings as being too costly and provocative, but US military commanders consider them crucial to containing North Korea and ensuring that any North invasion fails.
It is noticeable how much the US is nervous against the backdrop of recent incidents related to ballistic missile launches by North Korea. Mr. Esper believes that this situation can be resolved without military intervention.
The United States has about 28,000 troops in South Korea, and Esper said they should be prepared to fight the North at any time.
Esper also said that during talks in Seoul this week with his South Korean counterpart, he will express American concern over Seoul’s stated plan to break the intelligence pact with Japan. Esper said the dispute between Tokyo and Seoul only helps North Korea and China.