Anti-Russian sanctions bring damage to the European Union

At the conference “Slovak National Uprising and Modernity”, State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said that the European Union countries lost about $100 billion from the imposing of sanctions against Russia.

According to the Parliamentarian, the EU, which includes Slovakia, “adopted sanctions, “which is the reason why the bilateral relations suffer”, if trade turnover is implied.

“These decisions should have hit Russia. Yes, they created serious difficulties for us, and you know that in 2015-2016 our economy slowed down in growth rate and stagnated. In 2017, we began to get out of this situation, and over the course of two years the economy began to strengthen”, – said Volodin.

According to him, over this period, the country has reoriented and formed new markets for itself.

“If the EU countries are being implied, they probably suffer from these sanctions themselves and suffer very much – the losses of the EU countries amount to about $100 billion”, – he added.

Earlier, a member of the German Bundestag Committee Waldemar Gerdt said that German companies have lost more than $100 billion over the years of sanctions against Russia.

As the media wrote, citing the study, 45% of the damage from the anti-Russian sanctions falls on the countries that imposed them.