The State Duma called on the UN to influence the lifting of the US economic blockade of Cuba

The State Duma at a plenary meeting on Tuesday adopted an appeal to the UN General Assembly and the international community with a demand to urge the United States to end the economic, trade and financial blockade of Cuba.

The lower house of the Russian parliament accepts a call to end the economic blockade of Cuba annually.

“The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation calls on the General Assembly of the United Nations, the international community to exert influence on the United States of America in order to end the economic, financial and trade blockade of the Republic of Cuba”, –  the text of the appeal says.

As noted in the document, despite the fact that the vast majority of UN member states have repeatedly supported resolutions calling on the United States to lift sanctions on an independent state, the United States of America continues to impose sanctions on Cuba and continuously tighten its impact.

“In September 2019, President of the United States of America Donald Trump signed a decree on the next extension of the embargo. In addition, the United States is constantly creating new obstacles to the trading and investment activities of American companies in Cuba and companies of other foreign countries, restrictions are being imposed on tourist trips to Cuba and on remittances to the homeland of Cubans who are in the USA”, – the statement says.

The State Duma emphasizes that in the context of globalization, economic relations, the economic, financial and trade blockade of Cuba by the United States is a significant obstacle to the successful development of the Cuban economy. Deputies emphasize that the US-implemented sanctions measures that are extraterritorial in nature are a significant obstacle to the development of Cuban relations not only with the United States, but also with other states.

“The sanctions policy directly affects various spheres of the Cuban state’s life, especially energy, transport, healthcare and education, food security, the development of culture and sports. In response to new sanctions restrictions in 2019, the Cuban authorities had to impose tight controls on essential goods in the goals of their equitable distribution”, – the statement says.

The State Duma condemned the United States for the economic, financial and trade blockade of Cuba, which has been carried out for almost 60 years.

“Deputies of the State Duma call on the international community to develop a system of measures of influence on the United States of America in order to end the economic, financial and trade blockade of a sovereign state”, –  the statement emphasizes.