Expert predicts Evo Morales’s victory

Bolivian President Evo Morales will win the General election next October in the first round, because the opposition has not yet United any political bloc, convinced opponent sociologist Julio Aliaga.

He admitted that “the opposition has missed a great opportunity, perhaps the only one that it has had in recent years”, – added the cyber activist of the Social Democrats during a conversation with the talk show “Polemics” on state television.

According to Aliaga, the only presidential candidate who could oppose the President of Bolivia is Carlos Mesa from the Citizens Community, but he does not know how to bring people together and prefers to organize a group with former officials and “friends” when he was president (2003-2005).

A fifth nationwide poll conducted by sociologist Viaciencia and broadcast by several media outlets last Monday showed that 43.2% of voters in the general election on October 20 support the leaders of the Movement for Socialism.

The survey reflects an increase in intention to vote in favor of the President of Bolivia in relation to August (39.1 percent).

The survey showed that Mesa fell from 22.0%  in the previous month to 21.2%.

Regarding these numbers, Aliaga said they are showing a trend that is unlikely to be reversed.