Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Portuguese Secretary of State discuss assistance to the settlement of Syria

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov discussed the situation in the Persian Gulf and the results of the fifth trilateral meeting of the heads of state-guarantors of the Astana process on Syria in Ankara with the UN Secretary General Anthony Guterres over the phone, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

“Topical issues on the agenda of the world organization were discussed. Particular attention was paid to the tasks of facilitating a Syrian settlement in the light of the results of the fifth trilateral meeting of the heads of state-guarantors of the Astana process in Ankara on September 12 this year, as well as the situation in the Persian Gulf”, – the message of the Russian Foreign Ministry reports.

The negotiations between the presidents of the Russian Federation, Turkey and Iran Vladimir Putin, Tayyip Erdogan and Hassan Rouhani on Monday in Ankara became the fifth meeting of the Heads of state-guarantors of the Astana process of promoting the Syrian settlement. As a result of these meetings, in particular, specific measures were agreed to improve the humanitarian situation and intensify the political process in the SAR.
Earlier, the United States accused Iran of attacking the oil infrastructure of Saudi Arabia. Iran denies this. In addition, US President Donald Trump said that the United States is ready to strike at 15 targets in Iran, but he is in no hurry.