An explosion in Kabul again: 10 dead, including a NATO soldier, 50 injured

Today, September 5, in Kabul at 11 o’clock local time near Abdulhak Square, near the checkpoint of the National Security Directorate (UNB), a van driven by a suicide bomber flew into the air. As a result, at least 10 were killed and about 50 injured.

The area where the attack took place is considered to be well-guarded, and on its territory are the NATO headquarters, the US embassy and the building of the Ministry of Defense of Afghanistan. Soon after the explosion, the attack area was cordoned off by the police, and ambulances began to evacuate the victims.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the suicide bomber, reporting that the target was foreign troops following the office of the UNB.

According to recent reports, the attack reached its goal – among the dead, one Romanian soldier and one US soldier. The mission command does not name their names and ranks in accordance with their rules – first notify the relatives of the victims.