Italy’s deputy prime minister and the League party leader Matteo Salvini rallied before supporters in Rome on Thursday after he called for new elections saying the coalition government was not working.
“As long as you worked with the “Yes”, we worked well. A few months ago, the “No” started: the no to autonomy, the no to the TAV, the no to the justice reform, the no to the search for oil. One, two or three NOs are ok, but I don’t hold the chair to keep the country steady,” said Salvini.
He added that politicians who want to delay the new elections until after August holidays are simply afraid to lose their seats in Parliament. Responding to allegations of the League’s funding by Russia, Salvini denied having received any financial support from other countries.
“We ask the Italians for money if they give it to us voluntarily. I don’t take them to Russia, Morocco or Switzerland. And those who look for rubles on the left are those who took the billions from Moscow a few years ago. Those are the ones who took a lot of money. Wagons of money,” said Salvini.