Moscow to file protests to US, Germany over interference in Russia’s politics

Russia’s Foreign Ministry will submit official notifications to Washington and Berlin over interference of their diplomats and the state-run media in Russia’s politics via covering unsanctioned rallies in Moscow on August 3, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a televised interview with Rossiya’1channel on Sunday.

“As you know, nothing can be rubbed out on the internet. Unconditionally, we will officially submit all the files to the US embassy in Moscow, and not just to the embassy. I think that the US leadership will be very surprised at how their diplomats meddle in Russia’s internal affairs,” Zakharova said recalling US multiple calls on Russia to stop interfering in US politics.

According to the diplomat, the US embassy to Russia was involved in the unauthorized rallies held in Moscow on August 3.

“As for Saturday’s strolls, the embassy of the United States was most closely involved in that activity,” the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said.

 “The US embassy in Moscow had published a route of that so-called stroll planned for Saturday,” she explained. “Item by item, minute by minute was the itinerary set out: what time it starts, what time it ends and so on and so forth,” she added noting that a request was published at the end of the document asking not to follow the given route.

“As we understand, 90% of that information appealed to people to join the event,” Zakharova said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman mentioned the public comments voiced by the US embassy’s spokesperson after the banned protest.

“You merely compromise people who take to the streets and speak out what they think about Russia’s future. You are setting them up,” Zakharova said addressing the US embassy’s diplomats.

She pointed out that along with western diplomats, some media outlets attempted to interfere in Russia’s domestic affairs. She named Germany’s Deutsche Welle news channel among them

Zakharova dubbed as a “phenomenal gaffe” the channel’s call on Muscovites to take to the streets made in the Russian language.

“Regrettably, we will have to notify the German side – moreover, the channel is state-funded – of our concerns and the practical steps we are going to take,” the diplomat concluded.