The Ukrainian side traditionally speaks of peace in the presence of international mediators, but terror continues on the line of contact. Such a statement on Friday, June 7, was made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPR Natalia Nikonorova, commenting on the threats of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, who promised to continue shelling of the Donbass.
According to her, the new leadership of Ukraine, like the former, uniquely understands the meaning and content of the Minsk agreements. She also expressed regret that Kiev sabotaged the weak, but still attempts to come to a dialogue to resolve the conflict.
“Poroshenko’s policy continues under Zelensky. In the presence of international mediators, he tries to demonstrate a constructive position and literally the next day give orders about shelling civilians of Donbass, ” she emphasized, recalling the massive shelling of Holmovsky and Dolomitnoye by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Nikonorova noted that “the same two-faced rhetoric that the former Kiev authorities were trying to justify the shelling” is continuing now, disguising their reluctance to fulfill the agreements.