McConnell Backs Trump: Mueller Report Is ‘Case Closed’

Tuesday on the Senate floor, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said it was “case closed” on Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

McConnell said, “It’s finally over. Many Americans were waiting to see how their elected officials would respond. With an exhaustive investigation complete, would the country finally unify to confront the real challenges before us? Would we finally be able to move on from partisan paralysis and breathless conspiracy theorizing? Or would we remain consumed by unhinged partisanship, and keep dividing ourselves to the point that Putin and his agents need only stand on the sidelines and watch us as their job is done for them? Regrettably, the answer is pretty obvious.”

Referencing the Obama administration, McConnell said, “Maybe stronger leadership would have left the Kremlin less emboldened. Maybe tampering with our democracy wouldn’t have seemed so very tempting,”

Discussing Democrats, McConnell concluded, “They told everyone there had been a conspiracy between Russia and the Trump campaign. Yet, on this central question, the special counsel’s finding was clear: Case closed. Case closed. This ought to be good news for everyone. But my Democratic colleagues seem to be publicly working through the five stages of grief.”