For a long time, the United States paused, wondering whether to leave Syria or not, but it is quite possible that the Arab Republic will still have to suffer “democracy,” especially since Washington paid for “extending a therapy session” with four Americans.
Today, in the notorious Syrian city of Manbij, an explosion has thundered, the meaning of which is probably much more than just a terrorist act. The victims of the incident were a few people, but not their quantity, but the quality is important. In Syria, people die regularly, but US troops – God Forbid!
Let us examine the situation in more detail. So, Manbij – this name has not been leaving the headlines of media publications for quite a long time. This is due to three factors: Kurdish, Turkish and American.
When Trump announced his “big victory” over the Islamic state and the withdrawal of troops from the SAR, not only the American “hawks”, for whom such a comparison compared to defeat, but also the Kurdish gangs, whom Washington had warmed, nourished and armed, were not happy.
In fact, Trump signed the death sentence to the faithful Kurds, leaving at the mercy not only of the Syrian army, but also of Turkey, which had repeatedly thought to conduct a special operation in the neighboring country, displacing the militants, in particular from Manbij, where pro-American groups had settled.
US did not like Ankara’s plans. This was previously expressed by Donald Trump himself, but, nevertheless, the main problem of the United States was the hasty decision to weaken its position in the Middle East. Of course, the president could not refuse his words. That would be a blow to his reputation. The maximum that he squeezed out of himself was a statement about a more reasonable, and, more simply, a leisurely exit from Syria. But the implementation of his plans is a blow to the reputation of not only the head of state, but also the state itself. That was the position held in Washington.
And in this situation, the “sudden” terrorist attack puts everything in its place. At least from the American point of view. ISIS, of course, took responsibility. This is very useful, since if it fell on Kurds, the Americans would have more problems. Moreover, the incident claimed the lives of four US citizens. Simply put, now nothing prevents Washington from saying that Donald Trump hurried with conclusions about victory, well, and the death of the sons of America should not be in vain, therefore the army will remain in Syria “until the victory.”