UK to pay obligations under Turkey-EU refugee agreement before Brexit

The British government has pledged to continue to pay its obligations to the Turkish government under the Turkey-European Union (EU) refugee agreement until its official withdrawal from the union, Anadolu Agency reported yesterday.

The UK’s move came in accordance with its recent “Article VI” draft agreement with the EU regarding Brexit.

Under the Turkish-European immigration agreement, which was signed on 18 March 2016, Turkey is required to take migrants who enter Greece and to send the legal refugees to Europe. In return, the EU agreed to pay Turkey €6 billion over two instalments to provide shelter to the Syrian refugees residing in its territory.

Last week, the UK government and the EU reached a draft agreement on Brexit after a week-long intensive negotiations between the two sides. The agreement was said to have ignored the 1963 agreement between Ankara and Britain over Turkish citizens’ work permissions in the UK.

On Thursday, four British ministers, including Dominic Raab (Brexit minister), Esther Mcvey (welfare minister), Siella Braverman (junior Brexit minister), Shailesh Vafra (Northern Ireland minister), resigned in protest against the terms of the government’s recent draft with the EU.

BBC said earlier that “a special meeting between the UK government and the EU is due on 25 November to finalise the agreement ahead it is being put before the country’s parliament for a vote in mid-December.”

Britain is due to officially leave the EU on 29 March.

The Brexit draft stipulated on easing the border security between UK’s Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland after Brexit, as well as Britain’s obligation to its €40-45 billion ($50 billion dollars) to the EU over an agreed number of instalments. The UK will also remain under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice during the transition, according to the agreement.