Austria to focus on fight against migration during EU presidency

The Austrian presidency in the European Union is going to have a non-life-threatening collective fight against illegal migration as one of its priorities, Austrian Ambassador to Russia Johannes Eigner said Tuesday.

“The Austrian presidency will have three main priorities. These are safe fight against illegal migration, preservation of prosperity and stability in neighboring regions. It is important for us to fight illegal migration together and to ensure the EU’s ability to take collective action… The informal summit of the EU leaders on September 20, 2018 in Salzburg will be focused on this,” Eigner told reporters at a press conference on the occasion of the start of the Austrian presidency.

Last week, the EU leaders reached an agreement on tackling the large influx of migrants to Europe. It was decided to set up “regional disembarkation platforms, in close cooperation with relevant third countries.” The resettlement or relocation across the European Union is expected to be done on voluntary basis.

Speaking about the upcoming summit between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump on July, Eigner noted that it was quite significant that the meeting would take place in Finland, in the European Union.

“The most important thing is that this summit is going to take place on the territory of the European Union. This means a lot and it says a lot,” Eigner told reporters when asked if Austria was disappointed that Helsinki was chosen rather than Vienna, which was mentioned as a possible venue.

Eigner noted that Europe was hoping to see “some concrete results and improvement in the Russian-US relations.” 

“And it should be for the benefit of Europe,” the ambassador added.

Earlier in the day, Finnish media reported about four potential locations in and near Helsinki where the meeting could take place, including the government’s residence of Konigstedt.