Serbian President: “Albanians are not our enemy, those who took Kosovo from us are”


president Vucic

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić has said in an interview to a local newspaper that in Kosovo’s issue, the problem lies in a number of states that artificially created the so-called “Kosovo Republic” while taking away part of Serbian territory.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić , in an interview with local television, Pink, said that in the Kosovo issue, the problem is not in Albanians, but in a number of states that artificially created the so-called “Republic of Kosovo”, while taking away part of Serbian territory.


“When engaging in Kosovo dialogue, we’re not talking with Prishtina[capital of Kosovo], we’re talking with United States, UK and a number of other EU countries, adds President Vučić, referring to the earlier statement of Kosovo leader Haradinaj on non-existence of Kosovo’s foreign policy.

“Kosovo has no foreign police because it belongs to a club led by US” “We want to solve the Kosovo issue, but can we, with us Serbs on one side and Americans, who control Kosovo foreign policy themselves, on the other”