Sochi Congress: Dialogue for the benefit of Syria

The official opening ceremony of the Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Sochi will begin in the Hall of the Plenary Session. There are so many representatives of the media that the film crews were asked to abandon the television cameras and take advantage of the fact that there will be a live broadcast.

After the official ceremony, several briefings are expected.

Academician Vitaly Naumkin, the head of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Vasily Kuznetsov, head of the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies of Ivran, will speak on the Middle East vector of Russia’s foreign policy.

It should be noted that one of the main achievements of the Congress in Sochi is that for the first time representatives of the current government of Syria and the opposition will begin a direct dialogue, without intermediaries. Today, great hopes are placed on the Congress, because the conflicting parties, ready to work together for the benefit of the people in Syria, will meet and be able to hear each other: the authorities and the opposition, delegates of religious communities, representatives of national minorities.

Recall that the UN special envoy, Secretary-General Staffan De Mistura with the delegation will also be present at a Congress.