G77 strongly supports Iran’s nuclear agreement

Foreign ministers of the Group 77 in a statement on Friday strongly supported the 2015 historic nuclear deal describing it a ‘successful multilateral action for resolving outstanding global issues.’
The statement was issued at the end of the G77 ministerial meeting which was held on the sidelines of the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly.

G77 at the UN is a coalition of developing nations, designed to promote its members’ collective economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the United Nations.

Based on the statement, the G77 and China foreign ministers ‘reaffirmed the importance of supporting and strengthening multilateralism, and in this regard recognized that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between the Islamic Republic of Iran and 5+1 is a concrete case of a successful multilateral action for resolving outstanding global issues, stressed that such model sets a real example for further accelerating the achievement of sustainable development including by strengthening international co-operation, through enhanced means of implementation.’

The Ministers recognized sand and dust storms as a serious challenge to sustainable development in the affected countries and regions. They called upon the United Nations system to play its role in advancing international cooperation and support to combat sand and dust storms and invited all relevant bodies, agencies, funds and programs of the United Nations and all other related organizations to integrate into their respective cooperation frameworks and operational programs measures and actions aimed at combating sand and dust storms, including the following measures: enhancing capacity-building at the national level; the development and implementation of regional and subregional programs and projects; the sharing of information, best practices and experiences and the transferring of technology ; efforts to control and prevent the main factors of sand and dust storms; and the development of early warning systems as tools. They also stressed the importance of addressing the socioeconomic and environmental challenges of the affected countries and of ways to address combating sand and dust storms in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. In this regard, they welcomed the convening of the international conference on Combating Sand and Dust Storms held in Tehran, 3-5 July 2017, and took note of the ministerial declarations and technical recommendations of the conference.

The Ministers emphasized the importance of facilitating the accession of developing countries to WTO, recognizing the contribution that this would make to the rapid and full integration of those countries into the multilateral trading system. In that regard, they urged the accession process to be accelerated without political impediments and in an expeditious and transparent manner for developing countries that had applied for membership in WTO and reaffirmed the importance of the Organization’s decision of 25 July 2012 on accession by the least developed countries.

The Ministers reaffirmed their rejection to the unilateral economic sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic of Iran, which have a negative impact on the development and prosperity of the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and in this regard called for an immediate lifting of those sanctions.