Former secretary of state and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton declared Tuesday that she is now an “activist citizen.” She was participating in an on-stage interview at the Women for Women International annual 2017 luncheon in New York.
“I’m back to now being an activist citizen and part of the resistance,” Clinton told the audience after describing her extensive experience as a career politician. She spent much of the interview discussing her loss to Trump, blaming the FBI, Wikileaks, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and of course, Trump himself. The former first lady also managed to squeeze in a conspiracy theory about the timing of Wikileaks’ release of her former campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails. “Ask yourself this,” she said, “within an hour or two of that Access Hollywood tape being made public, the Russian theft of John Podesta’s emails hit Wikileaks.”
Clinton said she was “on the way to winning,” but claimed the decision by the FBI to reopen the investigation into her use of a private email server, combined with the Wikileaks dump, “raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off.”
As far as her new role as an “activist citizen,” Hillary says her focus will be on women’s rights. “There is still so much inequity, so much unfairness, so much disrespect and discrimination toward women and girls. So have we made progress? Yes, we have. But have we made enough? No, we haven’t.” She continued, “Women’s rights is the unfinished business of the 21st century. There is no more important, larger issue that has to be addressed.”
It’s important to note that Hillary wasn’t as concerned with women’s rights when the Clinton Foundation accepted over $10 million in donations from the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where women are not permitted to drive and need permission from a male guardian to travel, work, marry, access healthcare, and even leave their home.
Though Clinton said she was prepared to be president, she’s now ready to be an “activist citizen” and has formed a “political action committee” to raise funds for organizations important to her.
Sounds like something a politician would do.