Macron draws level with Le Pen in first round of French presidential election


The chances of winning in the first round of French presidential election of far-right presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen and independent candidate Emmanuel Macron are once again equal less than in a week after a similar result was projected, an OpinionWay poll showed Wednesday.




According to the poll’s results, both candidates are expected to gather support from 25 percent of potential voters. The poll also showed that since Tuesday, Le Pen has lost 1 percent of support, while Macron successfully collected an additional 1 percent during the same time.


The survey added that the chances of The Republicans’ candidate Francois Fillon in the first round remained unchanged with some 20 percent of voters supporting him.


In the second round of the election, Le Pen is expected to lose with 36 percent of votes, while Macron is forecast to win with 64 percent. Should the far-right presidential hopeful face off with Fillon, she will likely lose with 40 percent of votes against 60 percent.


The French presidential election is scheduled for April 23, while the run-off is set for May 7.