Kiev hits European MPs with five-year Ukraine entry ban for visiting Crimea


Ukraine’s Security Service has made a decision to impose sanctions on several European MPs who arrived in Crimea on March 19 for a three-day visit, spokeswoman for the Security Council Yelena Gitlyanskaya said on Monday.




“Four citizens of Serbia and one citizen of the Czech Republic are illegally staying on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The Ukrainian Security Council has made a decision to ban them entry into Ukraine for five years,” the spokeswoman said on her Facebook page.


Members of parliaments of some countries (the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Serbia and Montenegro), and also Kyrgyzstan and Brazil arrived on Sunday in Crimea. They are holding meetings on Monday with the Crimean authorities and the republican public. The politicians’ visit has been organized by the A Just Russia Party.


Secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council Alexander Turchinov stated on March 19 that on the Council’s instruction Ukraine’s Security Council will draw up a list of politicians from European and other countries for slapping sanctions against them for visiting Crimea.


According to Turchinov, “in case their stay in Crimea is confirmed, criminal cases must be opened in compliance with the effective legislation.”


Meanwhile, the European parliamentarians who have arrived in Crimea have said they do not fear Kiev’s possible sanctions and are not going to come to Ukraine.